DT Compressor Services are determined to offer safe services and operating practises to both our customers and employees. We therefore have taken the time to invest in the below safety schemes, accreditations and been accepted to the following procurement platforms.

British Compressed Air Society
We are full members of bcas, ensuring the best air practises are always followedView Certificate

Safe Contractor
We have proven our company operates in a safe manner through our safecontractor certification. SSIP approved.View Certificate

SafePQQ from safecontractor shows DT cares about its social and environmental obligations.View Certificate

Our business is certified by Refcom for F-GAS servicing on stationary refrigeration units.view certificate

HS Direct
We have retained the services of HS Direct for all H&S matters and advice to ensure we are fully compiant.view certificate

First for learning
We utilise first for learning online training to ensure our employees have the right qualifications.view certificate

Our employees are fully trained to IPAF standards for multiple MEWPS and access equipment.view certificate

Waste Carriers License
We are fully licensed for the carriage of all waste produced by our services and our disposal is fully traceable.view certificate

We are fully accredited on this procurement platform and available to accept jobs if you already use it.
We are fully accredited on this procurement platform and available to accept jobs if you already use it.
We are fully accredited on this procurement platform and available to accept jobs if you already use it.
We are fully accredited on this procurement platform and available to accept jobs if you already use it.
We are fully accredited on this procurement platform and available to accept jobs if you already use it.
Insurance Documents
Cover for Employer's Liability, Public & Product Liability. Plus Contractors All Risks.View Documents

Health & Safety Policy
View and download our current health and safety policy for your records if required.View Documents

Modern Slavery Policy
View and download our current health and safety policy for your records if required.View Documents